
2024年3月11日—AHalloweentoywasamonghundredsofplasticitemsfoundinthegutsofdeadseaturtlesintheMediterranean,anewstudyreveals.,2024年3月11日—AHalloweentoywasamonghundredsofplasticitemsfoundinthegutsofdeadseaturtlesintheMediterranean,anewstudyreveals.,TurtlesandPlastic–level2.31-10-202215:00.Waterdepositsplasticwastefromallover...Level1·Level2·Level3 ...,2023年11月15日—Evenifplasticpollutionstoppe...

Halloween toy among plastics swallowed by sea turtles

2024年3月11日 — A Halloween toy was among hundreds of plastic items found in the guts of dead sea turtles in the Mediterranean, a new study reveals.

Halloween toy among plastics swallowed by sea turtles

2024年3月11日 — A Halloween toy was among hundreds of plastic items found in the guts of dead sea turtles in the Mediterranean, a new study reveals.

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Turtles and Plastic – level 2. 31-10-2022 15:00. Water deposits plastic waste from all over... Level 1 · Level 2 · Level 3 ...

Plastic Has Changed Sea Turtles Forever

2023年11月15日 — Even if plastic pollution stopped tomorrow, turtles would be dealing with the repercussions for centuries—at least.

Sea Turtles and Plastic Pollution

Sea turtles are impacted by plastic pollution in many ways. Learn all about sea turtles and plastic pollution in this guide.

Turtles and Plastic – level 1

2022年10月31日 — On Kenya's beaches, there is a lot of plastic waste. This is a big problem for turtles. They eat the plastic. The plastic kills them.

Turtles and Plastic – level 2

2022年10月31日 — A new report found that young turtles die more often than adults because of plastic. Moreover, when there are a lot of plastics on beaches, ...

Turtles and Plastic – level 3

2022年10月31日 — A report found that 23% of juvenile and 54% of post-hatchling turtles ingested plastic, suggesting that young turtles are more likely to die ...

What do sea turtles eat? Unfortunately, plastic bags.

Plastic has only been mass-produced since the 1940s, but it's having a devastating impact on sea turtles. Many of us are doing our part to reduce plastic ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
